About Us
Sri Agasthiya Maha Siva Brammarishi Vashistar Naadi Astrological Center
Astrology is an integral part of Indian philosophy and culture, which is deeply rooted in the very great Vedas of the ancient past and expounded to regulate human beings so they are on the right track. Among all astrological systems, Nadi Astrology, which had been composed by some enlightened saints out of sheer wisdom, is perfectly unique, and its grandeur transcends all ordinary arithmetic in astrological calculations. Prediction being given by astrologers of any branch gains its base and shape out of the adequate knowledge that the practitioner has acquired, his views in explaining the established theories more pragmatically, and various experiences that he has experienced in that particular branch of astrology that he uses to predict the future of the individuals concerned. There is no need to explain the greatness of our Siddhas, who lived in formless form for many more centuries and proclaimed many astronomical truths and physiological facts using their wisdom sans any modern equipment like we have right now.